Districts under OLA control:
West Guji
Bule Hora district
Malksa Soda district
Galana district
Suro Barguda district
East Guji
Gumi-Eldalo district
Liban district - After significant engagements in Bulbul, Dhaka Qalati, Mugayo, Boba, and Siminto, 16 out of 18 towns in this district are currently under OLA administration. There are ongoing OLA operations in Nagele Borana with strategic points currently under OLA control. OLA forces continue to man checkpoints on various sections of the Finfinee-Moyale highway.
Goro Dola district
Saba Boru district
Wadara district, Guji - the Cibraa Oda Adola brigade has launched a new offensive on government forces in this district and has succeeded in cutting them off from the road leading northwest to Sidama state.
Chilimo Forest, West Shawa - A series of attacks on government military patrols resulted in a complete withdrawal of government forces in the area.
Abay Chomen district, Horo Guduru - The OLA has captured the Fincha’aa Sugar Factory and the surrounding area after days of heavy fighting.
East Walaga - After the neutralization of a military camp in Wayu Tuka district and the mass defection of hundreds of Oromia Special Forces into the ranks of the OLA, there has been a deployment of combined units of Amhara regional state militias and the federal military in Uke Karsa. The OLA has engaged in several clashes with these government forces which have been responding to by killing random civilians in Uke-Karsa. In Agamsa, Haro, and Sire Doro, Amhara militias have burned over 100 civilian homes and killed innocent. At this stage, the northern part of East Walaga remains firmly under OLA control.
Hebano, Kokosa district, West Arsi - An OLA Commando unit destroyed a government military patrol to which government forces responded by harassing civilians and burning their homes down.
REVISION: We made two corrections:
Regarding the presence of combined Amhara regional state militias and federal military units, they were only deployed in Uke Karsa and its vicinity. In Kiremu and Amuru, there were only Amhara militias and no federal military units.
Regarding the burning of civilian homes, this is occuring in Agamsa, Haro, and Sire Doro, not in Uke Karsa.
OLA Officer engaging in Public Consultation
Checkpoint on Moyale-Finfinee Road
Checkpoint on Moyale-Finfinee Road
OLA representative engaging in Public Consultation